
Hi! My name is Milena and I am a yuppie recently moved to Brooklyn from Boston.

Crafting runs in the family, and sewing in particular– my grandma used to own a clothing factory where I hung out as a baby, and my mom made me really uncomfortable and matchy-matchy playsuits in grade school. I went to a fashion school summer camp once I outgrew kiddie summer camps, and that started it all! (Sort of.) What followed was a bit over a year of intense illustration, pattern drafting and draping, embroidery/beading, and sewing courses. In spite of sewing never being my stronger suit–I am not a naturally patient person!– I made a few items of clothing throughout high school, including my prom dress. Cue 4 years of a really rough engineering program with little free time– no time for sewing until I transitioned into the yuppie life! The (mostly) 8-5 lifestyle lends itself much better to hobbies and projects around the house, so I’ve picked up sewing again at a beginner/intermediate level. My projects are a little ambitious and perhaps a stretch of my skills, but what can I say? I drink straight from the fire hose. I am excited to start a sewing blog to document my progress and share it with friendly Internet strangers, and of course, to hold myself accountable for not quitting!

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